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E-mail Account Setup Instructions

Outlook 2007 is able to auto-configure your e-mail account automatically.

Outlook 2003 and earlier aren't quite so easy.

If you've already set up another account with Outlook 2003, go to Tools -> Email Accounts to get to this screen.

If you've never set up another account with Outlook 2003, this is where the wizard starts.

Enter your name as you'd like others to se it when you send out an e-mail, your e-mail address, your password, and the server names. Click the More Settings button.

Click the Outgoing Server tab and check the box in front of “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.” Make sure the radio button is selected in front of “Use same settings as my incoming mail server.”

Click the Advanced tab. Click the upper checkbox in front of “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)”. This should automatically change the port number for the Incoming Server (IMAP) server port from 143 to 993, but if it doesn’t, please change it now.

Click the lower checkbox in front of “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)”. This will not change the port number for the Outgoing Server (SMTP) port from 25 to 465, so you must change it now.

Your settings must match these exactly or you will not be able to receive, send or both e-mail!

Click OK and the Advanced Settings window will close.

Click Next.

Your account should now be configured correctly. Outlook 2003 should begin by dowloading all of your default IMAP folders.

Open Vistas Networking
26 Ray Creek Road
Townsend, MT  59644
(406) 980-0533
Jeff Ross

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